
Configuration for the Invenio internationalization module.

In addition to the configuration variables listed below, Flask-BabelEx also sets system-wide defaults. For further details see:

invenio_i18n.config.I18N_DEFAULT_REDIRECT_ENDPOINT = None

Endpoint to redirect if no next parameter is provided.

invenio_i18n.config.I18N_LANGUAGES = []

List of tuples of available languages.

Example configuration with english and danish with english as default language:

from flask_babelex import lazy_gettext as _
I18N_LANGUAGES = (('da', _('Danish')),)


You should not include BABEL_DEFAULT_LOCALE in this list.

invenio_i18n.config.I18N_SESSION_KEY = 'language'

Key to retrieve language identifier from the current session object.

invenio_i18n.config.I18N_SET_LANGUAGE_URL = '/lang'

URL prefix for set language view.

Set to None to prevent view from being installed.

invenio_i18n.config.I18N_TRANSLATIONS_PATHS = []

List of paths to load message catalogs from.

invenio_i18n.config.I18N_USER_LANG_ATTR = 'prefered_language'

Attribute name which contains language identifier on the User object.

It is used only when the login manager is installed and a user is authenticated. Set to None to prevent selector from being used.